Swiftly in Switzerland


The writer is a senior software developer and was on business trips to Switzerland on his first Euro trip. He is married to the founder of this site and willingly obliged to come up with this article as a labor of love. Also, this introduction was written by the wife. 😀

Thanks to the scheduled training and meeting with clients. I went to Switzerland twice in the past. It was my first trip to Europe. I also traveled to Germany, Belgium, and France since my Schengen visa allowed that.

Well, where to start? I titled this as such because I always tell about my driving experience here whenever the conversations led to Europe trips. My bravery was tested as many of the roads were not freeways like in the States. And mind you, the word “breeze” gave a deeper meaning. Like Fast and Furious kind of meaning. Picture this: steep, winding, and narrow roads just in-between the mountains. One must drive accordingly to the ridiculously high-speed limit but also must observe courtesy to crossing pedestrians. Yes! The Ped-Xing is right on the speedy roads as well.

For someone who fears heights, the cable car ride to Santis was a challenge. Every time I would hear the sound of the frosts breaking and falling as small pieces of ice blocks on the roof of the car, my heart pounded like the sound of a tribal drum. Add to that the thought of me being in the middle of this seemingly vast altitude of white slopes. I must conquer my fear! I was telling myself. 😀

Man of few words. Yes, that is who I am. A lazy writer at that, too. Except when writing codes. So, just browse the captions of some of the pictures I collected during my time in Geneva, Zurich, and Lucerne.

The long and winding roads…
… backdropped by the Swiss Alps.
Too tempted to sprinkle strawberry syrup, like what we call “ice scramble” in Manila.
Footprints on ice.

View from the cable car going to Santis, the highest peak in northeast Switzerland.
Santis, at last! As Miley sang, it’s the climb (in this case, the ride up).
It’s like I am the only “homeless” person in Geneva. 😀 A visit to the World Health Organization headquarters.
Playing around outside the WHO compound.
 An amazing rainbow that did not disappear (at least the whole time I was there) over a lake near the WHO office.
 Aspiring to be an Asian snowman in Zurich. Hehe… 😀
Spot the Asian tourist.
 Lovely Lucerne…
Again, lovely Lucerne…
At the powerfully breathtaking Rheinfalls. One can check the live stream here. Amazing!
 Happy I took this shot from afar. Visit the official page https://rheinfall.ch/en/.
It’s where the Rheinfall ends. Reminds me of the Sound of Music.
The dam with its clear water. People say one can drink directly from it.
 Lastly, this residential area is where I stayed in Zurich. I missed my family then amid the gloomy weather. My work and travels kept me company.

What I miss in Switz: raclette cheese and wine (that my wife and I used to repeatedly prep hehe), the fresh breeze, the clean environment, the Ethiopian food (where you get to eat with your hand and get food from one big serving for all, like a “boodle fight” in the Philippines), and the snow. I still have so many photos but I am stuck in “lazydom.” I will visit again one day with my wife and son and I’ll let her write about it. Haha! 

Oh, and not to forget this gigantic Toblerone (10 lbs. and 3 ft.) which I got from the Coop store in Zurich. It now costs USD 96.


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