Bubble Guam: Not Just for Beach Bums
Our first official U.S. trip as a couple was in Guam, a U.S. territory in the Pacific. When we first set foot at Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport, we had the USA vibe already even though we were not on the mainland. We were delighted to see many Filipino-Americans serving at the airport with many of them speaking in Tagalog.
Guam is a small island nation that you can completely tour by driving non-stop in just probably one hour at 100 kph. Traffic was a breeze. We rented a car to be able to go around. I forgot how much the rent was, but petrol was notably affordable. It was USD 2.55 per gallon.
In one area, we were enjoying the beach that’s open to the public and surrounded by many nice luxury hotels. A few miles away is The Fish Eye Marine Park and the Underwater World. Not far are the luxury shopping spots where the signature items are. I was not able to buy any, being the thrifty shopper that I am. Thank God Guam has Ross, one of my certified happy places when it comes to shopping in the U.S. Another interesting destination is this park where we were taken back to Guam’s rich prehistoric origin. It was like we were transported back in time with men in their almost-birthday suits.
We were happy to see Little Ceasar’s pizza place. We missed that chain because it closed down in the Philippines. We ordered a slice of pizza, chicken wings, meatballs spaghetti, and the famous garlic bread that everybody loved back home. We didn’t have photos when we ate at Denny’s for breakfast and at Applebee’s. The food was also delicious. What’s common is that even if one pays a bit hefty for a meal (around USD 10 to 15), it is good for two diners already. My husband is a happy eater, so he ate his and had half of mine, too. Haha!
The funny thing was, we were given discounts in a couple of dining places we ate in because my husband was mistaken for a U.S. veteran. His crew-cut hairstyle saved us a lot of money! They didn’t ask for his ID. We found out about it when we asked after we paid the bill, but they didn’t bother changing the receipt! Wow! Favors from the Lord. Hehe…
What we missed doing is the indoor “skydiving” at the Skydrenaline Zone. My husband has acrophobia. I have "budgetophobia." Haha! I heard it was expensive. But I love adventures like that. I did not overcome my budgetophobia, though.
Call it shallow but my take-away was mostly about food. It was in Guam that I got to try the coconut sashimi at the Chamorro Village. I never knew that if you put a few drops of Kikkoman soy sauce on fresh coconut meat minus its water, it actually tastes like sashimi! Yummy! I was inspired to bring the idea to the Philippines and make a small food business out of it. Another takeaway is the exotic snacks such as the crispy crickets in salt and vinegar, and other flavors, and the Tabasco Spicy Chocolate. No to the crickets, but yes to the chocolate. Hehe…
I called this entry Bubble Guam: Not Just for Beach Bums because the island is not just all about its Pacific beauty, nor just about the ocean surrounding it. It may be small, but it has a lot of things in store for any type of traveler there is.

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