A Futurist at Work in Hawaii
(Photos and story by Peachie Dioquino-Valera. Peachie is a climate reality leader, activist, writer, public speaker, eco-consultant, vegan, futurist, and TV host. Check out her IG: peachiekeen_and_green for more info on her advocacy.)
Touchdown Honolulu! We’re over the moon that the Center for Engaged Foresight was invited as a dialogue partner in this AI (Artificial Intelligence) symposium hosted by East-West Center!
Very excited to hear from the plenary speakers and learn more from the workshops and strategic discussions on how to make AI humane/ethical. This is very important since I believe that AI evolution is inevitable, and with great technological power comes great responsibility…
At the East-West Center
Aloha! Arrived at the East-West Center and absorbed the energy of the University Campus Grounds. I can really feel the sacredness emanating from the whole place. Getting ready for the challenging days ahead.
Four days of talking about AI (Artificial Intelligence) Challenges zoomed by, then bow-wrapped. Grateful to have been here; challenged to have worked both my grey matter and my black and white justice/compass scales; and more delighted to have met the attendees, speakers, plus two kindred souls for keeps.
*A snippet of my ongoing article on this: “We create technology, and in turn, it creates our society. Like it or not, our technological creations define our lifestyle, decision-making, economy, relationships, and yes, even moral compass. It is indeed birthing new ethical energy.
“We are always in a state of CONSCIOUS evolution. In this constantly evolving mode, how do we create checks and balances on AI tech whose exponential growth is blowing our minds every minute? In this 4th Industrial Revolution, how do we encode ethics and humaneness in our digital DNA? Are we looking at a “Black Mirror-esque” kind of future; or are we a hopeful lot and trusting of human beings’ capacity to produce globally sound ethical and legal frameworks on AI development? This is indeed the time to be gravely (if I may say) considering empathy and equity in our technological systems.”
It’s time to develop the “Conscious and Compassionate Code!”
(*For the full article, click this link.)

A little afternoon-to-evening road trip in the Eastern line of Oahu. Basking in the ambiance of Mother Nature’s scapes… and some full moon-bathing on the side.

First time in a submarine, and enjoyed it much! A must-try if you visit Waikiki. We were said to be lucky that day because some sharks, rays, sea turtles, etc. decided to show themselves to us. Hooray! Awestricken by sunken fighter planes, parts of destroyers, ships, and surprisingly, a Teriyaki boat. Just a quick story on the last one, there was a boat transporting soy sauce and it caught fire; so they tried to kill the flames by extinguishing it with (you guessed it!) soy sauce. Thus, the Teriyaki boat. I just wondered why not call it the soy boat instead. The story made my mouth water (disturbingly).

Confessions of a Museum Lover Series: Aloha Edition
Bishop Museum
If you want to learn about the origins of Hawaii and the history that followed, this is the museum to go to.
Their beliefs are not too different from our ancestors’ practice of animismo. I particularly love this because their reverence and respect for the spiritual aspect of Nature reflect very much on their utmost care and defense of Gaia. Or in Hawaii’s story, Haumea.

Lucoral Museum
A free day of just wandering… and yes, getting lost again. LOL!
But like Moana, if you get lost, just listen to the sea, it will call you. Charot! I literally just listened to the direction of the waves and followed the people in beachwear (or those carrying surfboards) so I can get back to the path home. Discovered this entrance-free unassuming museum (must-visit! Even if the entrance looks like an empty car park hehe). Ang lalaki ng crystals grabe! Nahilo ako pagpasok.
Nature rocks! And literal, nature’s rocks.

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